23 and Me
23 and Me is a simple salivary test that analyzes your genetic code for thousands of pieces of information that can increase or decrease your risk for specific diseases. The collected data will be analyzed and assessed for potential risks that we can modify to improve your chances of good health into old age. The results will be able to provide nutritional support and individualized lifestyle recommendations that may help us target your health care energy and dollars more effectively.
Alternative Vaccine Schedule
Vaccines are very important and have played an important role in limiting many serious diseases in our country. However, there is a growing number of parents interested in a different approach to immunizing their child, and Dr. Owen and Susan Castle have designed a vaccine schedule that we implement with most of our pediatric patients. If you choose to follow your own schedule rather than our Practice Schedule, we will need to meet to discuss how your plan will work or how you wish to modify ours. This private consultation allows families to individualize a vaccination schedule based on their child’s risk factors, getting fewer shots, and spreading them out over more time. We feel that there are pros and cons to vaccinations, but rather than following a guideline, we can individualize the schedule to your child.
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment – With Genetic Markers Specific to Heart Disease
This profile analyzes blood and utilizes NMR fractionation technology for state-of-the-art lipid markers and independent risk factors that illuminate the clinical complexity of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as a patient’s genomic predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. Together, these markers provide a thorough assessment of cardiovascular health status, revealing the biochemical environment and cardiogenomic risk associated with inflammation, lipid deposits, endothelial dysfunction, and clotting factors underlying cardiovascular disease.
Digestive Assessment
We offer a comprehensive stool profile to help in optimizing gastrointestinal function. This test assesses the Microbiome more thoroughly than any other test available on the market. The thorough evaluation includes a comprehensive microscopic analysis of parasites, digestion and absorption issues, as well as inflammatory markers that may indicate allergy or immune system dysregulation.
Food Allergy Assessment
This blood test will help identify those with IgG-mediated food intolerances. IgG antibody is related to delayed or non-atopic food reactions that exacerbate or contribute to many different health problems such as asthma, arthritis, and migraines. This antibody food intolerance test is ideal for patients who may suffer from delayed reactions/sensitivities to specific foods.
GI Rehabilitation
The health of the digestive system is paramount for three main reasons. First, it is the system that gives your body what it needs to fuel and repair itself. Second, the digestive system serves an extremely important role as your body’s prime defenses from germs in your environment. Lastly, the Gut-Brain connection is well studied, and having a healthy gut is a necessity for having a health mind. Through Food Allergy Testing, advanced integrative diagnostic testing, and restoring optimal gastrointestinal function, we consistently see the whole-body impact through improvements in IBS, GERD, allergies, asthma, mental health, eczema, hormone irregularities, detoxification, pediatric ear/nose/throat issues, sleep quality, anxiety, and depression, to name just a few.
Hormone Evaluation
This test provides a comprehensive look at hormone levels including estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, cortisol (stress hormones) and melatonin (the sleep hormone). Collections of saliva are used to assess the rhythms of these hormones, some of which vary through the day in important ways that can impact energy, stress resiliency and sleep.
This is a test of gasses in your breath that are produced by fermentation of bacteria in your small intestine. Detection of bacteria in this region will help to diagnose and treat IBS and bloating irregularities.
Monitoring Hormone Replacement Therapy
The Monitoring HRT test will analyze how your body is handling the job of detoxifying and clearing the by-products of estrogen. This is important to monitor in anyone taking hormone replacement, including men on testosterone replacement therapy.
Natural Weight Solutions
You have all heard calories in equals calories out! This is simply not true. Many times it has nothing to do with exercise. Most fad and popular medically-supervised diets create false results by using methods that metabolically force the body to lose lean muscle mass and water. Unfortunately, your body needs muscle and water to live long and energetically. Our programs are individualized after thorough clinical assessments of nutrition, exercise, hormone balance, and extensive patient education in order to emphasize losing pounds of fat, not muscle or water. Treating the metabolic problem NOT the number on the scale promotes a long-term weight solution – the real goal of weight loss.
NutrEval FMV®
This test is a comprehensive assessment of your complete nutritional status. Unlike any other nutritional assessments, NutrEval FMV® provides a framework of core nutrients in 6 key areas: Antioxidants, B Vitamins, Digestive Support, Essential Fatty Acids, Protein Balance, and Minerals. This test leaves almost nothing to question in answering “How is my nutritional intake meeting my body’s needs?”
Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) for Chronic Disease
Statistics show that we are a nation suffering and dying from “diseases of excess.” Diseases such as diabetes/pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke are caused by poor lifestyle choices. Our lifestyle program is multi-layered as we help you identify, educate, and change the aspects of your lifestyle (diet, exercise, work, stress, alcohol, etc.) that are triggering your disease/symptoms. TLC is a great example of how the body will repair and heal itself when given the right circumstances – moving you to a state of improved health and away from a disease-generating lifestyle. We understand that you likely have specific limits in your life and we work to help you find solutions that take those limits into consideration so that you have the best chance for health success. Individualizing treatments is the only path for success.